♡ summer 2020 brighton vlog | Mei-Ying Chow ♡
The video where I finally get wheeled out along the beach by my sister while she roller skates! I realised there were a lot of Dim Sum montages in this video but when I’m back at uni I’m going to need these videos to rewatch when I miss her… I also share the latest book I’ve been reading and the lovely dinner with dad on the Eat In to Help Out scheme.
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why I’m not talking to white people about race book:
aromatherapy room diffuser:
essential oil collection:
my sister's riedell roller skates:
watch my last video – answering your juicy assumptions
videos mentioned 📹
acl reconstruction video:
quarantine study with me:
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If you’ve read this far in the description, comment below what languages you want to learn to earn some secret Chow points!
key words – brighton beach, summer vlog, summer 2020, a day in my life, what I get up to during summer, student on summer break, student, summer break, summer holiday,
Sending big hugs 💕💜💕
@Mei-Ying Chow Thank you♥️love you😘😘
Love you lots too – have a fab weekend! 🌟🌈
Oh my gosh yes, the vlog we’ve all been waiting for 😍
Haha yesss!! It’s up after all the corrupt footage drama 🥰 I hope you enjoy 💜
I have been wait for this video!! I hope that your leg gets better. Love your vlogs! And the French Toast looks amazing✨😊❤️
Ahh well I hope it didn’t disappoint Hannah 💜 thank you so much and it was honestly delicious – a real treat and so easy to make!
@Mei-Ying Chow It definitely did not disappoint! I loved it!✨Your Welcome💙
That’s so lovely – I’m very glad 🥰 have a fab weekend 🌈☀️
AHAHAHA your sister crawling out of the room 😂
Hahahahah honestly I was trying so hard to not watch her as the door slowly creaked open behind me 😂😂😂😂😂
get well soon!
Thank you!! I have a CT scan on the 25th so will hopefully find out some more information then 😊
@Mei-Ying Chow hope give us good news soon.
2020 hasn’t been the best for any of us but I feel it’s a learning curve for years to come- content like this still gives me hope and joy even if things don’t turn out how you like it to be- oh and recover soon!
Yes certainly! It has been a weird time but I like your optimism and completely agree 💜 thank you also 🥰
What video editor do u use
Final Cut Pro x 🥰
Hope your leg is recovering fast! Sending all the love~ 💕
Thank you! That’s so kind 😘 I have a follow up in a few weeks so will hopefully see how everything is healing then 💕 have a great weekend!!
Love your vlogs – you always provide some cheer and positivity so thank you :))
Thank you Beth – your comment means a lot 💜 I’m so glad you enjoy them and have a lovely day!!
I wanna learn so many languages but I have to say French and mandarin at the top!
PS. This was a refreshingly nice vlog, always love your vids! Get better soon too 🙂
A solid 21 chow points for Luther 🏆 french is honestly such a beautiful language. I did try learning mandarin at chinese school but it’s so hard!! I have faith in you and thank you for such a sweet comment 💕 sending big hugs and I’m go glad you enjoyed the video 🥰
Mei-Ying Chow yeah Chinese is really hard but it’d be so worth it, imagine being able to beautifully converse between French and mandarin 😍 I have faith in both of us!!! I’ll be awaiting your mandarin vlogs! Your vids are the best who wouldn’t enjoy em
Is air conditioning in homes common there?
No sadly not! We don’t have air con in many homes in the uk. Our homes are built to keep the heat in during winter, so a summer heatwave is pretty gross haha ☀️
Your dog is very cute. Do you know what breed or mix he is? I’m not very familiar with the different types of dogs
Idk how you can be a full time student and still make such great quality videos! So many study vloggers are really motivational, it’s midnight now but I feel this urge to get out my textbook 😂
Have been waiting for your videos!!😍 I’m also trying to pick up French since I completed IGCSE😅