♡ housing and flat searching in london || Mei-Ying Chow ♡
As a university student in London there’s already quite a lot going on, and having to find a place to live for a year is stressful enough. This is the video where I share all my top tips for flat hunting as a student in London. It’s certainly fast paced and there are a few keys things you should know but here are the time stamps for the key “chapters”:
00:25 London Housing Map
00:46 London Student Housing Fair & Estate Agents
02:52 Flat Viewings
04:29 Negotiating your Contract
05:40 Break Clauses
05:53 Assignment Fees
06:04 Deposits & Maintenance amendments & Professional Cleaning
07:26 Guarantors – Joint & oversees
07:51 Letting Fees & Council Tax
08:33 Bills
09:27 Inventories
10:22 Halls of Residence
Last weeks video: study with me – quarantine edition
UOL Housing Fair Events –
Private housing booklet
Contract tips guide
Moving into my london flat vlog –
KCL choir concert and Stamford street apartment vlog –
Unusual day at Kings uni vlog – …
Usual day at Kings college London vlog –
Oxford Uni vlog – …
Kent Uni vlog – …
UEA Uni vlog – …
Spending 24 hours in the Maughan Library Challenge –
University Q&A at KCL –
My first year round up at King’s College London –
What to pack for university –
Welcome to kings – top tips for freshers week –
Moving into my london flat vlog –
Starting year 2 at uni vlog –
Busy thursday econ & management degree –
What I wear to uni for a week –
Sheffield uni vlog –
Revise with me – 24hrs before my exam vlog –
What to cook at uni –
2nd year average day at uni –
What I spend in a week london student –
Reading week vlog – coding course and business meetings –
quarantine study with me –
How to find a flat in London –
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Business email || mei-ying@influencer.com
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key words – business student, A day in the life at uni, university in England, flat hunting, finding a flat, how to flat search, searching for a flat, london accommodation, student accommodation,British university, London university, KCL university, UCL, London, RVC, LSE, day in the life of a london university student, life as a uni student, university life, life as a university student, day in the life of a university student, studying in england, studying at an english university, university in england, what its like at university, what its like at uni,
I’m looking to move to London Canary Wharf when I’m older or Cornwall I’m not sure
Ooooh both certainly have their pros! I’ve never been to Cornwall but it does look beautiful ☀️🧡
Mei-Ying Chow I’ve been to Cornwall so many times in the afternoon when it’s quiet I love Truro I’ve currently been flat/house hunting for Cornwall and canary wharf I’m hoping to move out when I’m 19 hopefully with my friend but she wants to stay living in Cornwall so I’m not sure I’m kind of muddled
Notification Gang!
Haha damn!! You were quicker than me – I love the support thank you so much 💪🏼💪🏼 stay safe!!
does anybody know what to do when you can’t live in your student apartment (due to covid-19) but have already paid for 4 months? my private student accommodation/landlord doesn’t want to refund me – is there any way to get my money back? I’ve never stepped a foot into the room since I rented the apartment for an international internship which now won’t happen…
Chrissy Bre that’s definitely a sticky situation. I’m so sorry to hear about that Chrissy 🙁 I know currently there’s a restriction on landlords taking possession over their tenants assets but Im not sure about refunds – https://www.gov.uk/guidance/government-support-available-for-landlords-and-renters-reflecting-the-current-coronavirus-covid-19-outbreak that’s the link for the information as it stands. You probably won’t be able to get a refund but you might be able to get a subsidy from your internship maybe? I know some of my friends are getting displacement packages to help them afford accommodation so maybe look into that? I’m so sorry I can’t be of more help but if I hear anything more I shall let you know!
Mei-Ying Chow thank you so much! it’s really tricky 🙁 as an international student I really don’t know much about the English law and what to do in this situation. my university has offered little help but unfortunately not nearly enough to compensate the rent costs. while I obviously don’t want the landlords and staff to lose their jobs, I think it’s extremely unfair how students are treated since I personally can’t even travel to the UK even if I wanted to. I hope the government tries to help out soon! thank you so much for the link though!!! I always try to be up to date on that matter!
Fantastic channel. Hope all is Well. also, Can we be youtube friends? O_O
This is exactly the video I need right now
Ellie-Jean ahh I hope this can be of help! If you’ve got any other questions feel free to shoot me a DM 💕 I hope you’re staying safe and take care lovely!
00:25 London Housing Map
00:46 London Student Housing Fair & Estate Agents
02:52 Flat Viewings
04:29 Negotiating your Contract
05:40 Break Clauses
05:53 Assignment Fees
06:04 Deposits & Maintenance amendments & Professional Cleaning
07:26 Guarantors – Joint & oversees
07:51 Letting Fees & Council Tax
08:33 Bills
09:27 Inventories
10:22 Halls of Residence
💜 🏡 💜
🏠this seems soo stressful! I think I’m gonna stay away from housing stress for a while lol😄 have a lovely day💕
Haha yes at times it can be but once it’s all sorted, there’s no achievement quite like it!! I certainly did envy those staying at home a lot while I was sorting bills 😂 (16 chow points – I hope you’re doing well and staying safe lovely 💜)
I have a couple dumb questions: 1) When you say £200 pw is this per person or altogether? 2) Why wouldn’t you just stay in halls? It seems a lot easier, is it much more expensive or something? I don’t see why one wouldn’t just stay in halls
That’s not a dumb question at all!! it was £200 per person per week so it’s £400 for the flat all together every week! I did apply to stay in halls and wanted to stay on at college hall or go to garden halls for the uncatered apartments but I also wanted some more freedom. I like setting my own meal times and wanted to learn about bills and contracts and things early on. Also, I might’ve found it quite hard staying on as a second year as I personally probably wouldn’t have wanted to do freshers week again so the social aspect of it could’ve been quite tiring as you’re basically doing first year all over again to some extent. It was mainly for the freedom and to have a kitchen as I love cooking and baking! Great questions though ☀️
@Mei-Ying Chow 1600 POUNDS A MONTH? I’ll expect Buckingham palace for that
Perfect! Im moving to london in September for my postgrad
Oooh exciting stuff!! I hope you have a great time here – I’m sure you will and stay safe! Take care 🧡
I am in 9th grade – why the hell am I watching this video?😂
Hahaha you never know! You might move to London one day and you’ll know all the tricks of the trade 😂😂 I also appreciate the support nevertheless 🧡 big hugs Luise!!
Even though I’m only in year 9 I love watching your videos because my dream university is kcl💕
Just curious, how old are you in year 9? I don’t know how grades in high school work there
Marina Okarina usually 14 or13 depending on when you were born if you were born In August you are the youngest and if you were born in September you are the oldest I was the oldest In year 9
So well explained! I live at home for uni but I enjoyed watching this different perspective 💕
🏠🏠🏠💜💜💜 You’re so great! Thanks godness i’ve been living in my current flat for 2 years and gonna stay here, cause i haaaate looking for a flat for renting in Madrid, it’s tha jungle!
Any website recommendations for finding a two bedroom flat? Or did you just use estate agents? 🙂 x