Mysterious Evening

When me and my friend Alexis were going to the park we saw this guy and he kept looking at us and we got really scared.We thought he was a rapist or a murderer.We got so scared we tried to run past him but we thought he would catch us.He was on his cell phone talking to his friends.We went the other way but then he was still there so we went back to the park for a while .Then we tried to go back to our home(We live together with my mom's friend yay!)He was coming to the park so we went by our land lord's assisstants so he couldn't do anything then he left for awhile then we went home in a hurry before he would have the idea of coming back.<img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*xJmx*PTEyNDYyMTE3MTI*NTMmcHQ9MTI*NjIxMTcxNTU*NiZwPTEzMjgxJmQ9Y29tbWVudHNiYXImZz*xJnQ9Jm89NThmMjQwOTI5NDdiNDQ2ZTgxMTRhMWMwZjI1NGFkNGY=.gif" /><br /><a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="myspace comments"></a><br /><small><a href="">Get <b>MySpace Comments</b> without leaving myspace!</a></small><br />

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