♡ first day back at uni vlog || Mei-Ying Chow x Kings College London university♡
The video where I have my first in person classes back at university since covid-19 turned up. Welcome to my final year and all my other random shenanigans – including sewing my own face mask, propagating some plants, watching below deck and of course, a long awaited desk tour!!
stuff 📦
plant terrarium £5
plant terrarium £10
plant encyclopaedia
etsy silk green mask with wire
etsy silk mask without wire
hp spectre x360 13 jland.partners/3jPCBPz
laptop stand
#ad Get the HP Spectre x360 13 (or other individual product) with 10th Gen Intel Core i7 processor on HP’s great Back to School offer here: jland.partners/3jPCBPz and just a reminder that hp are giving £200 to a school of your choice in return until the 3rd November 2020
Oxford Uni vlog – …
Kent Uni vlog – …
UEA Uni vlog – …
Sheffield uni vlog –
Unusual day at Kings uni vlog – …
Usual day at Kings college London vlog –
Spending 24 hours in the Maughan Library Challenge –
University Q&A at KCL –
Kings Chorus concert vlog –
My first year round up at King’s College London –
What to pack for university vs gap year –
Welcome to kings – top tips for freshers week –
Moving into my london flat vlog –
Starting year 2 at uni vlog –
Busy thursday econ & management degree –
What I wear to uni for a week –
Revise with me – 24hrs before my exam vlog –
What to cook at uni –
2nd year average day at uni –
What I spend in a week london student –
Reading week vlog – coding course and business meetings –
quarantine study with me –
Packing list for university –
2nd year exam period vlog –
moving into my 3rd year flat – decorating my room –
starting final year – my first in person class back vlog –
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♡ depop: meiyingchow
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business enquires:
♡ meiyingchow.ig@gmail.com
♡ £50 off airbnb
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Ayee last year 🤩🎉 let’s goooo
Also a question 😅 : does KCL look at UCAS points or GCSEs??
they dont
@Berk ahh okok, thanks 🙂
Haha yesss the motivation that’s very much needed 💪🏼✨🙌🏼 KCL mainly looks at a levels and your personal statement but does look at GCSEs too! My sister was offered an £18,000 scholarship because her GCSEs results stood out so it’s definitely a factor but not a big one ☺️ good luck with applications Nayana!!
@Mei-Ying Chow thank you, and you too for your last year in uni!! It’s just because I wasn’t able to sit my GCSEs because of COVID so I’m obviously not able to display my effort considering I was given my predictions instead 😅
OMG can’t believe youre in your final year!! ❤ your vlogs have really been a great motivation for me to study!!
Ikr!! It’s gone so quickly for me too ☺️ I’m so glad my videos have given you some motivation and I wish you all the best for your studies lovely 🥰
PE & VC….oh the memories! Great fun, enjoy it 💞🥰 Great video! ❤️ Perhaps you can stop by one day, we’d love to share our latest 😊🧡💚❤️
Yesss!! I’m loving it so much – I’m making my notes so beautifully with emojis and drawings haha thank you so much for supporting and that sounds lovely!
@Mei-Ying Chow Excellent, looking forward to seeing you here! I can’t wait to see your pitch to prospective LP investors with a presentation peppered with emojis lol <3
Glad you still get to experience face to face lectures (even if they are cut short ) ☺️✨ My entire PGCE course is all online this year )):
Also at 7:21, you went past my secondary school building that has been closed for a couple years now! Instantly felt nostalgic ahah x
Ahhh that’s so hard! I do feel for you as teaching is certainly something that benefits from being in person ✨ no way!! What a coincidence- I walk past there everyday and never see people or students go in or out! xx
Hi Mei,
Hope your surgery went well. Take care and all the best for the new semester or term. Looking forward to your study stream. Please let me know the time I’ll add it to my calendar so that I don’t miss it.
Thank you so much Simran! You’re so kind – recovery is a little slow but not rushing it as my eyesight will hopefully last a lifetime 👀✨ my study stream is next Friday at 10am to 12 noon – I shall certainly see you there 🥰
@Mei-Ying Chow Take care, wishing you speedy recovery. Yes, you’ll 🤎
Thank you lovely and have a great week 🌟🦋
Cannot believe you are already in your third year of uni! Such an amazing video! Saw your insta stories on your laser eye surgery i really want to do laser eye surgery. Anyway loved the video, hope you had an amazing day and i love you❤️
Same! It sure has flown by and yes the surgery was pretty rough but the worst is done now for sure. I’m going to do a whole video on it in a week after my follow up appointment. Feel free to send in any questions over on my insta story if you have any and I’m sending you huge hugs Hannah ☺️🌟
Hahaha loved the emphasis on ‘crunchy’
Hahaha yes I wouldn’t recommend if you have dentures 😆 but the next batch is a lot better luckily – honestly the pecans are THE best ❤️
Good luck for your final year. I love the editing in this video!!
Thank you so much Imogen! I hope you have a fab year too 🙌🏼✨
good luck on your final year! I can’t believe you are already almost done!! love from the US 💛
Yesss the finish line is in sight!! Thank you so much Renée ✨ sending you lots of love from London 🥰
Could KCL accept you due to a really good personal statement over ur grades? So if someone had really bad grades(gcse) but amazing personal statement (lots of leadership roles and extracurricular) and ok A level grades could they accept?
I’m not entirely sure, but I missed my grades and got AAA instead of a*aa yet still got offered due to my personal statement and GCSEs I’m guessing. I think it depends how far below the grade requirements you are but leadership and extracurricular is brilliant though 💪🏼🌟 keep it up and good luck with your exams ✨
@Mei-Ying Chow thank you
I’m a first-year at KCL and have 4 hours in person, so I’m surprised you only have 2.5 a week!
No way that’s amazing! What do you study?
@Mei-Ying Chow Maths! There’s pre-recorded lectures, then 4 hours of online live content, and then 4 in person tutorials for me. But then I know some people have a mix of both online and in person, and then some people have all online.
Wow that’s amazing!! You have so much support and definitely great value for money haha 💪🏼🌟 I hope you have a great first year and enjoy kings as much as you can ☺️
@Mei-Ying Chow Thank you very much! I hope your third year goes great!
Thank you!! 🌟🙌🏼
it’s cool that you still have some teaching in person (and the diy alteration of your mask in admirable, i could never 😭😭) – loved the video!💖
Yess I’m so so grateful to have some in class teaching – it makes uni a lot more normal and enjoyable, even with an 8am tutorial!! I appreciate your kind words about my sewing – pretty much a seamstress now haha🧵 have a lovely day!!
love this !! im the one whose classes at king’s are sacrificed loll
Ahhh nooo im so sorry Colette :((( that sucks 💙 from one kings student to another – im sending you good vibes 😎
Wow loved the transitions at the start, some tiktok influence I see!! 🤩
Hahahah yess the transitions made me laugh 😆 I appreciate you noticing!!! That’s as close as ill get to creating tiktoks I think
I can’t believe it’s your final year! I love your kings vlogs and you kinda „introduced“ me to the Uni. I wanna study there in my future so badly and those vlogs always motivate me to study ^^
Same!! It’s gone so quickly and im so grateful that you have stuck around for so long and supported me so thank you Anna 🥰❤️ good luck with your studies and keep working hard!! Kings will be lucky to have you!!
ayy oml so many youtubers i watch have been sponsored by HP!!🥳
sad times for me tho as i look at what i could have instead of my poor chomebook that’s on death’s door ooff
Where did you get the pyjama you wore in the beginning?💫
I hope you enjoy your last year! Even with all the COVID restrictions! Lovely calming vlog as always!💖
One question though, is there a reason you swapped rooms? It’s still the same apartment from last year isn’t it? Just so both of you could have the big room for a year or is there another reason?
Your vlogs of student life at kcl have motivated me so much! I’ve been watching since your first year and it is crazy how time flies! I’m applying to king’s this year, I hope I make it but good luck to you for final year x
ngl ur entire aesthetic is just so cute and cozy
– honeypot films