♡ My reading week half term vlog || Mei-Ying Chow ♡
The video where I give you a little insight into how I manage to balance my job as a content creator, social media consultant and student at the same time. I take you along to my business meetings, Code First: Girls coding course and basically try to have an efficient day of crossing off endless tasks. I show you the very creative process, of sitting down on my sofa and trying to write a speech on the influencer industry for Bright Network’s Trend Talks that are happening in a week. I also share my love of marigold washing up gloves with you and they’re rather magical!
For the full couscous lunch recipe you can download my free eBook CookBook here –
Last weeks video – how to scrapbook DIY –
Kings college Chorus concert and Stamford street apartment vlog –
Unusual day at Kings uni vlog – …
Usual day at Kings college London vlog –
Oxford Uni vlog – …
Kent Uni vlog – …
UEA Uni vlog – …
Spending 24 hours in the Maughan Library Challenge –
University Q&A at KCL –
My first year round up at King’s College London –
What to pack for university –
Welcome to kings – top tips for freshers week –
Moving into my london flat vlog –
Starting year 2 at uni vlog –
Busy thursday econ & management degree –
What I wear to uni for a week –
Sheffield uni vlog –
Revise with me – 24hrs before my exam vlog –
What to cook at uni –
2nd year average day at uni –
What I spend in a week london student –
Reading week vlog – coding course and business meetings –
Instagram ||
Twitter ||
Business email || meiyingchow.ig@gmail.com
If you’ve read this far in the description, comment below “html” to earn some secret Chow points!
key words – coding course, influencer, influencer day in the life, business student day in the life, A day in the life at uni, university in England, British university, going to uni in England, London university, KCL university, day in the life of a london university student, life as a uni student, university life, life as a university student, day in the life of a university student, studying in england, studying at an english university, university in england, what its like at university, what its like at uni, what life is like for a university student, student day in the life, day in the life of a student, life at university, university vlog, vlogging at university, university vlog, uni vlog, day in the life of a uni student vlog, university food, what to eat at uni, food to eat at uni, university tips and tricks, university best tips, tips for university, how to get involved in extra curricular, extra curricular, public speaking,
epicly awesome
Ahhh thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the video ☺️ have a lovely Sunday!
I’m always depressed being a youtuber I have to edit and then sleep and eat no time to spend with family and friend s
I can agree the balance can be quite hard but if it’s making you feel low and you aren’t enjoying it then maybe take a break and see if you can find a better balance when you start back up! I hope you have a great day and best of luck 💪🏼☀️
Great video! Keep it up Would you like to be YouTube friends? :]
I wish my Channeel can grooww as bigg as your one day.
You reallly inspire alot
Ah thank you! Keep up the good work 💪🏼 I have faith in you!
Soon as the notification appeared on your screen I instantly clicked💗
Your videos as sooo good 💕
Ahhh thank you Amelia! I hope you enjoyed this video and I’m so glad you like my channel 💜 have a lovely Sunday!
Hello. How much money are you using each week/month on food, transport, etc? I got a conditional offer from King’s some days ago and really thinking about taking it. How is the grading at king’a? Is it really hard to get top grades? From Norway btw 😉 love your vids
And how is the job reputation compared to LSE after a bachelor? I will take a MBA after my bachelor but maybe work a year right after. Thx <3
Well done on your offer! That’s amazing news 💪🏼 I made a video 2 weeks ago on how much I spend in a week with all the food and transport costs broken down. The grading depends on your department a little bit I believe but for business it seems pretty fair! It is hard work but it’s well worth it and I’m sure with time and determination you can secure a first. The entry requirements are quite high for most courses anyway so if you have a solid foundation you should be pretty strong going into your course. I ended up rejecting LSE on the basis of the social scoring on the league tables as London at times can be quite isolating so I wanted somewhere with more of a collegiate feel in my opinion but it sounds like you’ve got your plan all sorted which is brilliant! Best of luck with your exams and thank you for watching and supporting ☺️
Nice! When’s Your next video? Also, I want to be Friends 😀
html…was your web layout on a tissue? Hahaha. And i laughed so hard with the gloves thing! Girl now you’re adulting 2.0! Talking about speech…tomorrow i’m giving a talk to 180 high school students about women in science (i’m a biochemistry researcher) and i’m kinda nervous! Hope you have a relaxed Sunday! Sending all my love as always! =^.^=
Hahahah yes it was… very observant 😂 all the best ideas start out on a napkin, but that was mainly because I didn’t have a piece of paper so I was just trying to be as resourceful as possible and yessss I’m so glad you get me with the washing up gloves!! 🧤 its revolutionised my life 😱 best of luck for your talk tomorrow! That sounds super interesting 💪🏼 I’m all for women in STEM so bravo to you for being a vocal advocate well done!!! You’ll do amazing I’m sure and enjoy the rest of your Sunday too 💜
Also how could I forget 5 chow points for that html 😏
@Mei-Ying Chow oh yes please! I almost have enough points to get a London visit!
You’re really good at cooking 🤤
and your makeup is awesome! Love from Japan!
Haha I’m certainly no expert but I really do enjoy it! I released a free student cookbook last month with loads of tips and tricks on how to make 10 easy student dishes 🍴 I have faith in your cooking abilities and thank you so much for your support! Hugs to Japan from London xx
Beautiful video from a beautiful person. Flawless.
Ahhh I’m so excited for the Bright Network Trend Talk! I saw you on the event list & immediately registered for it. I’ll be cheering you on from the side as you give your speech (which I’m sure will be great!) & hopefully, I get to meet & chat with you too as a fellow King’s student myself🤗
That is literally one of the best comments I’ve received!! Thank you for making my day and for your support 💜 it means a lot and yessss I would love to have a chat with you after! I think there’s some networking time after the q&a panel so I shall be looking out for you Chloe 🌟 have a lovely rest of your Sunday!
Html! How do you like coding? It seems really hard to do! Have a lovely day!
Yess it’s so cool! I love changing one thing and seeing a completely different layout. It’s pretty fun but it takes a bit of practice to get use to the language but I had done a Le Wagon 30hr course before so knew some basics and that was really good at explaining it clearly with videos! Have a lovely Sunday too, and I’ve added a solid 5 extra chow points for the html 😏🌟
Please, could you film your speech for us?
Ooh that’s a nice idea! I shall ask bright network and see what they say ☀️
Were you at the half marathon today?