♡ Quarantine study with me || Mei-Ying Chow X #YouTubers4NHSHeroes ♡
#stayinside I want to say the biggest thank you to the all the incredible HNS and key workers who have been so selfless and have also risked so much during this pandemic. As my way of giving back and saying thanks, all the ad revenue made from this video will go to charities supporting the NHS. You don’t have to spend any money, just by watching the short ads all the way through, it does it for you! However, if you do want to donate, then click the link below:
The video where I make some Easter cards, choose my final year modules and also just give you a huge update on my lockdown situation. This could also be seen as an exposé on my scone infatuation or as one long cry for help with my coursework! I hope this little vlog could make you smile and also brought you a bit of Joy – emotionally but also physically, as my mum’s name is Joy! I’m sending you all the biggest *virtual* hugs and please stay safe and stay inside but also have a lovely weekend – Happy Easter!
For the quesadillas recipe you can download my free eBook CookBook here –
For my last video – uni vlog: coding course, speeches and influencer meetings –
Kings college Chorus concert and Stamford street apartment vlog –
Unusual day at Kings uni vlog – …
Usual day at Kings college London vlog –
Oxford Uni vlog – …
Kent Uni vlog – …
UEA Uni vlog – …
Spending 24 hours in the Maughan Library Challenge –
University Q&A at KCL –
My first year round up at King’s College London –
What to pack for university –
Welcome to kings – top tips for freshers week –
Moving into my london flat vlog –
Starting year 2 at uni vlog –
Busy thursday econ & management degree –
What I wear to uni for a week –
Sheffield uni vlog –
Revise with me – 24hrs before my exam vlog –
What to cook at uni –
2nd year average day at uni –
What I spend in a week london student –
Reading week vlog – coding course and business meetings –
quarantine study with me –
Instagram ||
Twitter ||
Business email || mei-ying@influencer.com
What have you guys been up to during quarantine? Let me know in the comments for some secret Chow points!
key words – what to do during quarantine, university vlog pandemic edition, isolation vlog, business student day in the life, A day in the life at uni, university in England, British university, going to uni in England, London university, KCL university, day in the life of a london university student, life as a uni student, university life, life as a university student, day in the life of a university student, studying in england, studying at an english university, university in england, what its like at university, what its like at uni, what life is like for a university student, student day in the life, day in the life of a student, life at university, university vlog, vlogging at university, university vlog, uni vlog, day in the life of a uni student vlog, university food, what to eat at uni, food to eat at uni, university tips and tricks, university best tips, tips for university, #quarantine
Love your videos! They bring such a positive vibe!! ❤️
Thank you so much ☀️ im so happy you enjoyed it and I hope you’re staying safe and healthy lovely 💜
Great work. Never give Up.Hope You’re staying safe. Also, I want to be friends 😮
Thank you! Keep up the great work too and stay safe too 💕 I will happily be your friend ☺️
I have no motivation to do my online school work. Take care and Stay Safe, Mei Ying!! Love from Hong Kong!
I know the feeling very well ahah… while editing this video I realised I was just eating and doing things to procrastinate but it’s okay! These are certainly unusual times so we are allowed a little slack 🧡 I’m sending huge hugs to Hong Kong from London and stay safe too Christina 🥰
@Mei-Ying Chow Thank you!! I can’t believe that you replied made my day!
Yes!! I always try reply to every comment and I definitely do for all the comments posted in the first 24hrs 🎉☀️
I LOVE all of your videos!!!!!! Sending love from Hong Kong . Good luck in your exams and take care💗💗💗
Thankyou iris!! Sending big hugs and warm wishes to you in Hong Kong!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend and take care 💜🧡💜
Wait where do you do your food delivery?? I tried multiple and they say it ain’t available in London I hate this bs!
I was doing a weekly gousto order but have also done Tesco deliveries in the past and co-op bicycle deliveries but it does depend where you live in London and especially right now there aren’t any free slots when I check!
Mei-Ying Chow I’m stuck here doing constant Uber eats and it’s making me sick
I don’t know why but your videos actually gives me motivation to study even though my college exams are postponed…🙄🙏
Love your videos though and stay safe 👍🤗
Ahh that’s so lovely to hear!! I’m glad I could fill you up with some productive energy haha and I seriously feel for you with your exams 🤞🏼 my fingers shall be crossed but I’m sure you’ll smash them regardless!! Stay safe too lovely and take care 🥰
i had no adverts?
There won’t be adverts for every one – I think it’s randomly generated but if you watched it on a computer, there’ll be adverts on the side or on the bar that pops up at the bottom and by clicking on those it does the same thing 💜 I hope you’re having a lovely weekend and thank you for your support ☀️
Mei-Ying Chow oh ok thank you! Thank you for everything you are doing for the NHS at this time ❤️
Really motivated for my online classes after watching your video e
Ah I’m glad this was motivational! Best of luck with your online classes – I had my last two weeks of lectures online too and it can be quite hard to interact and participate but keep up the good work and have a great weekend ☀️
I am at LSE and the exam situation is soooo stressful too, we have take-home exams (essays for my department) and everyone has so many overlaps, it’s a mess… Good luck! xx
Ah no way! That does sound incredibly stressful. I’m just trying to get all my coursework out the way and get my notes as thorough and organised as possible so come the exam I can just flip to where I need to go… that’s the plan 😖 we’ll see but I’m sending my thoughts and good wishes you way! I’m sure you’ll smash them 💪🏼 does LSE have the no detriment policy in place too? xxx
loved this! i’ve been struggling to be half as productive as you 😂 but best of luck with your deadlines and exams!
I promise if you set up your phone and start recording your studying it’ll make you work harder at times 😂 however while editing this I did realise I just smacked the whole day as procrastination 😆 but thank you so much and don’t forget – you’re definitely allowed down time rn so don’t put too much pressure on yourself! You’re doing amazing and have a fab weekend Naz 💜
Hey Mei-Ying. I’m planning to go to King’s College to study Economics, would my following A-level choices be ok? I chose Maths, Economics and Psychology. Thanks 🙂
You choices sound perfect! A strong maths background is brilliant for pure econ and also having some background on econ is good as you’ll have an idea if you enjoy it! Psychology is also very interesting and does work quite well with behavioural economics so I’d say that’s a perfect trio 💕 as long as you enjoy the subjects then I’m sure you’ll do amazing and best of luck! Have a fab weekend 🥰
@Mei-Ying Chow thank you and you too!
you’re so pretty wtf how??
Hahaha no no it’s all an illusion but thank you – my canon g7x Mark 2 is magic plus I do have makeup on! I’m sure you’re beautiful 💜 have a lovely weekend!
May I ask where you got the mudmask from? Can’t seem to find one that doesn’t dry out my skin. Good luck with your finals and coursework!
Ofc it’s from The Matcha Reserve https://fromthereserve.com/collections/skin/products/matchamask it’s gone up quite a bit in price since I bought it a year ago (doubled I think, but it’s so good!) thank you so much and have a lovely weekend Azra ☺️
@Mei-Ying Chow Thanks! You too 😁
Looooooove it. Thanks for reminding me that I still have uni to do heh
Haha thank you Arun!! It’s nice to see you over here ☺️ sorry about the reminder but good luck with your work and enjoy the sunshine ☀️
Hi there, Mei-Ying, I’m an oversea offer holder of King’s College for Accounting and finance study, and it’s now the time for me to make accommodation decision, do you have any suggestions? Thanks
Congratulations on your offer! That’s so exciting. I stayed in an intercollegiate hall first year and would definitely recommend them – College Hall to be precise. I put a lot of information in the description of my old videos and the end of year uni q&a! Have a great day Jason ☺️
@Mei-Ying Chow Thank you, hope everything all right there in the UK, and look forward to be one of your junior, I can wait no longer life in London!
So glad you are back!! I am very busy with uni work, lectures and revision unfortunately 😥
Hope you are doing well! 💕
Yes I’m so sorry it’s been so long but I’m currently editing my video for next week so don’t worry! It sounds like you’ve got a lot on your plate right now on top of the current situation so I’m sending you all my good thoughts. I know you’ll do amazing and thank you so much Mridhula 💜 stay safe and take care lovely!!
Love this video as always.
It was sooo adorable when you’ve put the letter to Nicole outside and acted innocent when she asked about it !
And double cheese (on that scone) is always a good idea.
Hope you’ll get better soon 💕 (about your leg)
sorry to hear you hurt yourself. get well soon! <3
what is your star sign ?
Think the 24 hour challenge was one of the first ones of yours that I watched!
I haven’t watched your videos for a while but this popped up and I’m glad it did, I really enjoyed it. So, now I shall binge watch all the videos I’ve missed!