♡ juicy assumptions – boyfriends, money, ucl vs kcl, dyslexia, clubbing sober | Mei-Ying Chow ♡
The video where I talk about things I usually don’t talk about… were there any that surprised you?
what helped my dyslexia:
my gcse composition:
my youtube friends 💛
charlotte – book tube
alex – cinematic
milan – learn to code
natalia – kings & lifestile
kenji – kings biomed to medicine
macerly – noweigen goddess
ruby – the definition of studytube
cultrtalk – ucl business students
ehis – kings languages
watch my last video – 5 things to bring to uni, 5 things to leave at home –
videos mentioned 📹
some art videos –
meet dan in my moving into my london flat vlog –
it’s not just asian genes, I work for my grades: revise with me 24hrs before my exam vlog –
money chat – what I spend in a week london student –
follow me!
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♡ depop: meiyingchow
♡ pinterest: meiyingchow
business enquires:
♡ mei-ying@influencer.com
♡ £25 off airbnb
♡ £15 off ubereats
If you’ve read this far in the description, comment below “💛” to earn some secret Chow points!
key words – assumptions, challenge, tag, quick fire assumptions, answering juicy assumptions,
12 seconds ago and im watching 😂
Haha that’s pretty impressive Elizabeth 👌🏼🌟you certainly deserve a solid 4 chow points for that 💛
i’m an infj too yaayy :)) loved the video btw ♡
ah no way!! Snap! That’s so cool and thank you for watching and commenting Maria – I hope you have a lovely day <3
Don’t u think that there should be vidcon or SITC in Brighton cos of all the famous/amazing YouTubers? (You included!)
haha it would be nice but luckily London is just a quick train journey up – but it certainly would’ve made it easier (plus brighton is beautiful!!)
My A level exams are coming soon and I am bit terrified 😰.Hope I can make it from B to A.
Good luck for your exams! I’m sure you can do it 💪🏼 I believe in you 🌟
Yeah…..love you Queen!!!!!
Btw subscribed just after this video!!
Ahh thank you for subscribing! Welcome abroad and I hope you enjoy my upcoming videos 💛
omg im early ahh ik i just kinda discovered ur channel but i wanted to say that ur rlly sweet and ur my best source for uni tips/advice !!
That’s so sweet! Thank you renee 🌟 I really appreciate your support and I’m glad you find my videos helpful 💛 have a great day!
Probably the weirdest comment you’ve ever received but thank you for recommending that 1kg (non palm oil) tub of peanut butter from Aldi in one of your recent vlogs. Just purchased it and it was the best purchase I’ve made in a long time hahaha! Hope you’re having a good day 🙂
Honestly this is the best comment I have ever received. Thank you so much for writing this Ellie 😂 it has made my day! I tried to go back to my local aldi after finishing it within a month and they have stopped selling there?!? I went and bought another brand because buying 300g jars just isn’t enough for me haha 🥜 I hope you have a wonderful day!
Mei-Ying Chow hahaha I’m glad the comment at least brought a smile to your day! Awww no! I have to admit there was only a couple left when I went so they must be really popular! Also congrats on keeping the tub for 1 month! I have many snacks containing peanut butter calling my name but need to maintain the tub for a while to not get judgemental comments from my family about my peanut butter addiction 🤭🤣
I’m doing the IB diploma and i am planning to apply to KCL for medicine( i know you’re doing another course) for undergrad 2021 any tips to get accepted ? love your vids. You’re really cool.
That’s really amazing! The IB is hard so bravo and medicine is amazing at kings. I’ve linked my friend kenji who is studying medicine at kings and he does a lot on medicine personal statements and kharmamedic too! I’m so glad you enjoy my videos and I wish you the best of luck with your application 💜
3:23 so glad you said it! i was honestly tired of telling people why i firmed KCL over UCL!
Solid 12 chow points for you 😏 I feel the struggle so just wanted to set the record straight hahaha
Completely agree, I spend my entire life telling people why I chose KCL over Imperial!
Hi Meiying how’s law at Kings ? Planning to apply to kings next year.
Hey! My sister studied law and a few of my friends have studied it. From what my sister said – it’s pretty hard and there’s a lot of reading and by the end of it you’ll definitely know if you want to be a lawyer or not. It’s one of the best places to go and it’s literally opposite to courts of justice so it’s a great environment!
Loved this video.Your so lovely and positive and your voice is really nice and calming 💕Could you maybe do some more videos about your pen pals maybe some pen pal letter opening videos? 💖
Thank you so much Bethan! I’m glad you enjoy my videos and of course – I haven’t done much penpaling recently with exams etc but I shall be getting up to more in a month or so when I have more time! 💜
Kings College is my dream school! I want to do Business Management!📚
That’s so exciting! I do love it and I’m always here if you have any questions 🌟
That’s a really lovely story you shared about your composition piece from GCSE but as soon as you mentioned I started having traumatic flashbacks to it crashing all the time and eventually deleting all my work! 😭😱
About the asian – it reminded me of the state school I went to have only 4 chinese including me, mostly white then a small portion of black people. I mean I have been lucky my experience in racism is almost zero (apart from one time at work a customer called me yellow bastard), but I hate people when they come to me saying “ni hao”, I felt that – as a HongKonger -they were so rude to assume that I am from China straight away, when I could be from Japan, Korea, Taiwan…
As for money I am not as brilliant on finding bargins, but I tend to be selfaware on how much I spend, and try save up as best as I can.
Hi Meiying I just want to let you know that your channel has always been inspiring me and many thanks for being such a person who is driven by excellence :)))
Binge watching all your videos 😂❤️ love them alllll
💛 thanks for sharing your stories! Dyslexia is something that I’ve heard of but I never really knew what it was and how it was like to live with it.
💛 oh my goodness!! I’m also an INFJ!! Makes sense as to why I love watching your videos and just feels like I’m watching a friend!!!
Hi! I wanted to ask about you using “oriental” to describe yourself — I’m Chinese-American and based on the way “oriental” has been used in the US, I always found it offensive (in fact Obama actually signed a bill striking use of that word from federal law). I imagine it doesn’t have those connotations in the UK?
Hi Annie – that’s so interesting! I wasn’t aware of that in the US. I only use it as sometimes Asian seems to broad as I understand there’s northern, central, western, southern, southeastern, and they have their own traditions compared to Eastern Asia. I’ve only ever seen it as “coming from the east or orient” myself but I’ve read some articles and can understand in the US it was maybe used as a way to make Asians feel “not at home” in America. Thank you so much for commenting because otherwise I wouldn’t have known! If you don’t mind me asking how would you describe your ethnicity? 💕
@Mei-Ying Chow Hi Mei-Ying! Thank you for explaining your perspective — I forget sometimes that even though racism is not a uniquely American experience, it manifests differently across the world. “Oriental” has been used to describe Asian people in a derogatory manner in the US historically.
I’m 2nd generation Chinese-American! My parents both immigrated from China in the early nineties and are both ethnically Chinese.
Oooooo what a beautiful photo of you in front of the West Pier, I wonder who took that 🤔😂
Omg how did I not know you were an INFJ???? I AM TOO!