♡ a week in my life – uni deadlines, morning swims, and seeing my nan for the first time in a year || Mei-Ying Chow x Kings College London university ♡
00:00 wednesday – 8️⃣hour day method
05:00 thursday – 🌊pond swimming & stress writing
06:45 friday – 📘submitting coursework, seeing friends
12:38 saturday – 🖌painting & recuperating
15:30 sunday – 👵🏼nana chow & back to the ponds
📦 stuff 📦
DIY leather clutch company instagram:
Laptop stand:
Herb growing kit:
My camera:
follow me!
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♡ depop: meiyingchow
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business enquires:
♡ meiyingchow.ig@gmail.com
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♡ £15 off ubereats
♡ bored – lukremo
♡ Gil Wanders – Poco Pico –
♡ Gil Wanders – Waves –
♡ Scro – Lonely Mornings –
♡ cloud- lukrembo
1 min to go! Hope the exams are going well!
only 1 exam left to go thankfully!! I hope yours are going well too – we are so close now 🎉
@Mei-Ying Chow 🥰
Good luck with exams everyone! ☺️ 3/8 of my KCL exams are done now ✅
ahh you’re almost halfway!! That’s brilliant – keep going veronica 🌟 you’ve got this!!
I love your videos!
ahh thank you for watching and supporting! It means a lot 🥰I hope you have a lovely day!!
@Mei-Ying Chow Thankss! what timee is it in london!!?
@Devyani its 10:48am here in london – what about you?
I find your videos so relaxing! eventhough you are probably in a lot of stress right now! I love to see those little bits of regents park! Goodluck with your exams!!! and dont forget to take some deep breaths <3
🥰🥰thankyou so much!! You’re so lovely – that comment has just made my day! My next exam is on the 28th of May so I’m just taking a few days off to recharge and become human again. I’ve started back on my morning yoga with adrienne so the deep breaths are really getting me through. I’m sending huge warm hugs and I hope you’re looking after yourself too <3
your videos are always so uplifting and make me feel so much calmer about all my deadlines/general stress in my life! thank you so, so much for making them!!! 💜 best of luck with exams!
You are so welcome lovely! Thankyou so much for watching and commenting 🥰 I’m so glad you enjoy my videos and I’m sure you’ll smash your exams!! Only a few more weeks to go and it’ll all be over!! Sending all the strength and positive energy – you’ve got this <3
All the best for your exams my dear!! Mine are soon too 🙁 I love watching your videos and am missing the london & kcl vibes (I’m studying from home)
Ahh best of luck for your exams too 🥰🦋 thank you so much!! I hope studying from home hasn’t been too hard or draining but London misses you right back 💙
Hiii i hope your exams go well and that you are healthy. Your videos motivate me soo much! And they always remind me to eat my 5 a day 😂😂. Stay safe i hope you have a lovely day. Xx
Hahaha that’s the best comment I could hope for 😂 I’m so glad I can be your daily reminder to get your 5 a day in!!! Your body will love you for it, I promise 🧚✨ I hope your exams are going well too and sending all the love and hugs – stay safe too and take care yasmin xxx
Hi Mei-Ying! I love your videos! I might be going to Kings this autumn and I was wondering if there r any band-y, music- making extracurriculars there?
That’s so exciting!! I’m part of the kings chorus choir which is a non auditioning choir with two concerts a year. There’s also jazz society, and loads of other music societies!! It’s a very music-oriented uni so lots to choose from 🎶
Good luck with future exams!
Thank you so much!! Only one left to go and then I’ve finished university ☺️🤞🏼 hope you’re having w lovely day Rehnuma!
I got an exam in an hour and a half and this video has really helped me relax! Just what I needed! I’m also at kcl studying business management so I found your videos really informative before joining. Now, I watch them to relax but also to motivate myself to actually work haha! Lockdown life at uni has been looooong
💛 good luck for your exam – all you can do is your best!! I’m sure you’ll do amazing and then certainly treat yourself tomorrow ✨ I’m so glad my videos are a little respite from the stress outside, but you’ve got this 💪🏼 keep going!!!
@Mei-Ying Chow Thank you! It’s actually my birthday tomorrow so I’ll be out celebrating and treating myself! Best of luck on your exams too!
No way!!! Happy early birthday 🎂🎉🥰 I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy all the cake ✨ fingers crossed for good weather!!
the image of you just sitting on your bed staring into nothingness while wearing your face mask has me cracking up
Hahahahaha yea watching that back 😂 I realised that was a pretty accurate representation of the emptiness inside my head at that moment
Loved this video! You put so much effort into your videos and it really shows 🙂 Can’t wait for the next one already xx p.s. wishing you the best of luck for your last exam!
🥺🥺 Olivia!!! You’re so lovely ❤️ thank you so so much – your comment has made my heart very happy 🥰 I’m so glad you enjoy these lil blogs and I appreciate you being so kind! I hope you’re having a lovely week and looking after yourself xxx
Watching this video (and all of your videos actually) from Portugal 😋 Pastel de Nata is always the real deal. Good luck for exams and thanks for the motivation and peacefulness from your videos 💞
I’m so jealous!! I can’t wait to go back to Portugal and eat Pastel de Nata three times a day 😂 they’re amazing and the sunshine is a bit of blessing too ☀️ thank you for watching and supporting – it means so much!! I hope you have a lovely day Inês 🥰
Fingers Crossed I get into Kings in October!! Love your videos Mei!!
My fingers are crossed!! I hope wherever you end up, that you have a wonderful time and make great memories ☀️☺️
@Mei-Ying Chow Thanksss!!
i am still in school but currently also in exam season! got written German (native language) and English exam done and next week I have maths and oral English exam.. oh and ofc my essay in chemistry… we’ll see😅
but your video definitely motivated me to structure my essay now and get started 🙂 also London looks beautiful in spring!!!
good luck to everyone in exam season! and if you’re not – be happy about that haha
Ahhh that sounds so so busy!! Your English is amazing so I’m sure you’ll smash that oral exam next week 💪🏼 I’m so glad my vlog could help you and I really hope you’ve had a good day. Sending all the productive and positive vibes your way Anna 💛 you’ll smash these exams – keep going ✨
your videos are SO CALMING!!
🥺✨ I’m so glad I can give a little calmness to your day!! The world is not a super calm place at the moment so that means a lot 💛 sending you all the positive vibes lovely!!
Forget being a sane person, this vlog was insanely good!
aw Anne – you know exactly what to say to make me feel better 😂☺️ thank you so much for such a lovely comment! I’m so glad you enjoyed the vlog and I hope you’re having a lovely week ❤️
just finished my exams here in the US! love your videos and best of luck for everything to come✨
ive been rewatching your videos all week manifesting for a new one and you bless us with an 18 minute one!!! so happy <3
I’m watching this vid whilst on a break from KCL exam 3/8 😭😭